
It’s so nice to meet you!

My name is Elias Mandegarian and thanks so much for visiting my website!

Earlier in life, I stumbled into video and music production and quickly realized I had found my thing. Those early experiments turned into a real passion that's stuck with me ever since. At the same time, dinner conversations with my dad often turned into mini finance lessons, sparking another interest that has grown over the years. Those talks are what ended up fostering my immense interest for the world of finance and the reason why I chose to concentrate in it for my college studies. These interests might seem like they're worlds apart, but together they've shaped who I am today, feeding my creative spirit and professional aspirations simultaneously.

In college, I have enjoyed keeping myself very busy with many extra-curriculum. My first-year, I was elected to represent my college, the Orfalea College of Business, on the university-wide Board of Directors. During my year-long term, I got my first taste of public speaking and leadership experience as I took on the additional responsibility of leading one of the committees within the organization. I also joined a Professional Business Co-ed Fraternity, Alpha Kappa Psi where I now serve as the VP of Finance, managing the fraternity budget to ensure longevity and stability. I was then hired to my most significant and valuable position as of yet which is as a Peer Advisor at the college of business. In this role, I academically advise my peers through 1-on-1 advising appointments, graduation schedule preparation, and much more. This role has been extremely valuable because I am able to talk to students of my college that I otherwise wouldn’t, exposing me to so many different perspectives and insights. Being equipped with knowledge that my peers can use to academically succeed is so rewarding because those that I advise are always so grateful for the assistance; it warms my heart!

If you’ve made it this far, I applaud you! Thank you for reading about my story so far and please reach out to me for any reason at all!

Through these professional involvements, I have learned to understand what I value and want out of my future career. I love ideating, leading, and maintaining self-run projects within organizations and teams. Across all my extra- curriculars, coming up with project ideas, pitching them to management, and building them out has been something I really enjoy and cherish. I also have learned that I live off of interacting and working with others. I would love to work in a position where I am able to meet and work in collaborative settings everyday. I have also been exposed to many different forms of critical feedback and I understand what type I prefer and how to implement said feedback properly. I prefer direct and timely criticism so that I am able to quickly correct any errors I may have to be the best version of myself that I can be. I am so grateful to have been involved in so much during college as I have been able to grasp a lot about what I am looking for in my future career!

Growing up, I loved to explore everything about nature. Thanks to Cal Poly SLO and the beautiful nature that surrounds it, I have been able to recapture my childhood love for hiking and exploring the natural world around me. The beautiful landscapes of California’s Central Coast are my favorite spots for clearing my head and getting a fresh dose of inspiration.