
My name is Elias Mandegarian and I am a third-year Finance Student attending Cal Poly SLO. Here is a collection of my projects.


My Resume

Elias Mandegarian 

eliasmandegarian.com | linkedin.com/in/eliasmandegarian | 650.564.2383 | emandegarian@gmail.com


B.S. Business Administration | California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo                                  

Graduating 06/2025

·     3.65 GPA, 3-time Dean’s Honor List

·     Relevant coursework: Advanced Corporate Finance, Securities Analysis and Portfolio Management, Fixed Income Securities Market, Entrepreneurial Finance, Managerial Accounting, Financial Accounting, Applied Regression Analysis, Tax


Audit Intern | Ernst & Young | San Francisco                                         

05/2023 08/2023

·     Undertook audit activities at client offices and supported my client engagement team to identify potential violations

·     Ensured client’s financial statements are prepared in accordance with GAAP and are free of material variances

·     Developed understanding of the internal controls and cash flow activities of a client business

Peer Advisor | Orfalea College of Business | San Luis Obispo                            

01/2023 – Present

·     Provides individualized curriculum and degree advising appointments to fellow students within the business college

·     Assists in maintaining the highest retention and graduation rates in the CSU system through various advising services

·     Manages the Senior Outreach Process Operations and pioneered and directs the Holistic Advising Initiative

VP of Finance | Alpha Kappa Psi Co-ed Professional Business Fraternity | San Luis Obispo                                    

01/2023 – Present

·     Manages fraternity finances, overseeing budgets and financial processes for fiscal responsibility and transparency

·     Presents financial updates to over 100+ people, ensuring clear communication of financial health of the organization

·     Develops and implemented financial strategies to support fraternity growth and longevity

Board of Directors | Associated Students Inc. | San Luis Obispo                                             

04/2022 – 04/2023

·     Managed and approved a $17 million budget, annual budget reports, and payroll and variance reports.

·     Delivered quarterly risk management reports and insurance summaries to 50+ staff at Board of Directors meetings

·     Facilitated and led weekly committee meetings with 10+ corporate employees and board members present


SQL eCommerce Database Management System

·     Recreated how data inputted by buyers of online stores would be consolidated into a database system utilized by sellers

·     Enables sellers to gain insights into customer trends, manage customer data, and improve order fulfillment accuracy

·     Built knowledge on tables, queries, updating and retrieve data, and establishing relationships between data points


Holistic Advising Program

·     Proposed initiative to implement a Holistic Advising model to my manager with the goal of improving student retention

·     Presented introduction and training presentations to all-hands meetings of over 30+ peer advisors and professional staff

·     Formulated training content which will be implemented into the new hire on-boarding process for all future staff


·     Software: Proficient in Microsoft Office (Excel, PowerPoint), Adobe Creative Suite, Intermediate in SQL, R, Tableau

·     Analysis: Understanding of Relational Databases and Data Visualization

·     Interests: Video production, Golf, Hiking & Nature, Chess, Weightlifting, and Music Production